Monday, February 7, 2011

No News Yet

Thank you so much, wonderful people in Blogville, for your kind wishes, prayers, and thoughts.

Today Elaine is hoping to get the results of her additional biopsies. Of course the big fear is what the lymph nodes will reveal.

She told me last night on the phone, how after her routine mammogram screen they noticed some irregularities. She had an MRI and an x-ray. Her surgeon felt something just wasn't right and did core biopsies deep to the scar tissue from her previous lumpectomy.

Her radiologist told her everything was normal, the MRI and ultrasound had showed nothing. She called her husband, her daughter, her son, and told them she was in the clear. Then she saw her surgeon and he told her the cancer was back. His hunch had proved correct.

And we say thank God for medical hunches.

It is strange and wonderful that sometimes a hunch can unearth what no amount of radiation and resonance can.

We are all hoping that the chemo will shrink the tumor and it will be removed later this spring. Sadly, they've had to cancel their upcoming trip to Europe, but they promise to be in the front row for my graduation ceremony in 2013.

Elaine has told me, with a measure of joy in her voice that is mixed with fear and frustration: that she is held up by love and prayers. And this makes me feel a little joyful too.


Anonymous said...

tough and yet good.

good for the hunch. good that there are treatment options. really good that she has a friend like you along for the ride.

Albinoblackbear said...

Thanks Dr.O.
We are trying to find a silver lining.