Sunday, January 2, 2011

EMS excitement!

Tomorrow I start my week of shifts with one of the ALS paramedic crews in town. I really enjoy spending time seeing things from another health care providers perspective. My experience is so limited to emergency departments, I find it fascinating to see what goes on in the pre-hospital setting before our worlds collide in the hospital.

Always thought I'd want to do trauma medicine (especially flight medicine when I was working up north). So this will be another exposure for future consideration. Most of the time I think my emergency stint is over, but...who knows?

Hopefully I will get some pinches to the old adrenals over the next few days to get me out of this holiday stupor!


Christopher said...

We welcome you to the bus :)

Robert said...

Lots of lifestyle benefits to emergency medicine, such as no call...

Albinoblackbear said...

I (heart) EMS!!!

Seriously, had such a great time with the lads this past week. Very amazing welcome from everyone.

It's true--when the doors close behind you your shift is DONE!
(The main thing that is still causing me to ponder EM).