Friday, January 28, 2011

Histology Quotables

Today's lectures were rife with classroom quotables, I'll put them out tomorrow. But for tonight, I'll leave you with my favorite, from my histology prof:

"Every time you take a drink, God kills a hepatocyte".

Taken from

And on that note, a cocktail I created tonight, which I named, "The Majestic River Shannon". It is a glass of cava (brut) with a splash of elderflower cordial, and a peeled quarter of orange. Deeeelicious.

And yes, I may have had one or two before making this post. Forgive grammar, punctuation, and spelling...


Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha. Nice

Cara said...

I wish our lecture-givers has any sense of humor. Even just a tinge.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

1 hepatocyte down, 143,566,754 to go.

OMDG said...

Bah. They all regenerate anyway.

CardioNP said...

So it is God who causes cirrhosis and not the alcohol? I'll drink to that.

Albinoblackbear said...

Cara--See, the funny thing is, she is a very serious woman usually, which made the comment even funnier when I heard about it.


Cardio--Never thought of it from that point of view! hahah