Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Classroom Quotables

Today the Associate Dean was addressing our class and said*, "the great thing that distinguishes man from beast is man's ability to take medication".

Nice one Dean-o.

*This was said in a very tongue-in-cheek manner, for the record, it was when the subject of polypharmacy came up.


Cartoon Characters said...

Don't cats gravitate towards herbal medicine? ie: eating grass so they can regurgitate hairballs?

Albeit they don't CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to take it...and probably therein lies the difference......


RH said...

I don't parents dogs are on a lot of medications.

Albinoblackbear said...

Heheh, maybe the quote should be "man's ability to seek medications..."

(And malinger to receive them??)


I've never met a dog who faked lower back pain/a seizure/kidney stones in order to get oxycodone...

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I figured the main differentiation is that dogs don't call you at 3:28 a.m. to tell you they need a refill of a medication whose name they can't remember, called to the pharmacy over on that one corner, the big one with the white roof, do you know their phone number doctor? Doctor? Hello?

Albinoblackbear said...

I'm sorry, I just find this whole mental image of a sketchy, drug seeking dog way to amusing right now.

Or a dog, calling his neurologist at 3 am for Rx refill. I am picturing a phone booth...

NPO said...

To a lot of women are not man and beast the same thing?

Albinoblackbear said...

Indeed, a couple of ex boyfriends come to mind...hhahah

(Not you John!)

Liana said...

Actually... google zoopharmacognosy. There's evidence that chimpanzees will seek out Aspilia leaves to treat intestinal parasites.

Medical Mojave said...

Wait, I thought it was opposable thumbs and stand up comedy.

Also the use of toilet paper.


RH said...

"I never met a dog who faked lower back pain..."

Ha ha!

I have met a few people who have done this...and they smelled, like wet dogs (does that count?)!

ABB, touché Well played.

Cara said...

But in his head it probably sounded grand and inspirational. Or something.

For the record, my dog totally fakes injury and then demands copious tummy rubs in sympathy. I guess she hasn't yet figured out the dilaudid thing.

Cartoon Characters said...

oooh while we are on the subject: I saw an "Oasis" special documentary that featured monkeys in a specific tropical place that i can't remember, that sought out alcohol. They apparently have been doing it for hundreds of years - and the stats show (exactly the same % as humans) that a certain percentage will become addicted to alcohol and overindulge and have a high tolerance and some will just be social drinkers and some will abstain....there was actually a study done! They steal drinks from tourists. It is thought they got their love for alcohol starting with fermenting fruit from the trees and when tourism began...they found it "easier" to get their alcohol by stealing guess that is "drug seeking" behavior! ;)

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Call me when the animals start seeking Diet Coke.

Albinoblackbear said...

Liana/CC--Ok, so my anthropomorphic imaginings are actually real. There you go. Learned something today! :)

POP--I think the tp one MUST be indisputable...!

RH-- :) Well, apparently Cara's dog does fake lower back pain. I stand corrected! hahah

Cara--That is actually pretty cute...

Grump--You are a man obsessed!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

I an NOT obsessed. I am dictractability-challenged.

Rogue Medic said...

The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals. Sir William Osler.

As others have pointed out, this may not be a true distinction. Some other animals do seem to exhibit drug seeking behaviors, even if they have not attempted to scam Dr. Grumpy. Some animals may also respond to placebos.

We may not be as different from other animals as we would like to think.