Saturday, August 29, 2009

They Appreciated My Patronage By Slashing My Luggage to Bitsies

I have arrived safe and sound. The journey from Canada to Ireland was not without some of the expected twists and turns..and a couple of unexpected twists thanks to some awesome American Airlines baggage destroyers handlers and theiving thorough customs inspectors.

BUT! Overall life is good. I will post more tomorrow once I meet my roommates...eek!


Fordo said...

Yay! You're on your way. Welcome to Ireland.

Ann-Marie said...

So, so, sad to see you go. I wish I could have seen you off to admire and smother you. What a fabulous, new adventure. Go get'em, tiger!

WWWebb said...

I've said before that you're smart and you're experienced.

I'll add two more that aren't mutually exclusive IMHO.

You're lucky and also blessed.

Dragonfly said...

Hope it goes well.

Albinoblackbear said...

Fordo--yeah! It has been a LONG time coming. :)

AMG--skype date soon? I was really sad that we weren't able to connect before I left... :( boo. I am feelin' the love and smothering this far away. :)

WWWebb--Thank you. Indeed I have really been counting my blessings lately. It truly feels like everything in my life has fallen into place all of a sudden.

DF--So far, so good!

Keet said...

SKYPE!~ Soon.