Friday, December 5, 2008


We interrupt this journal of my recent volunteer trip to India to happily announce that I have been accepted to 2 medical schools! I just have to wait to hear back from the other 12 that I applied to...sadly the interview offers for the rest don't come out until February or later...

If there are still some of you out there...I promise I have emerged from the cave that I crawled into after India and will get back to posting again more regularly.

In some ways this knowledge that I am now for sure going to medical school is...almost hard to wrap my head around. I have spent so much time and money and made so many sacrifices to get to this point I almost thought that there would be fireworks and cartwheels when I found out.

But it was just a large envelope and at the time no one to jump up and down with. It did seem a little empty. Of course my family was over the moon but everything almost seemed bittersweet.

Anyway now there appears to be someone who is going to come along for the ride so...fingers crossed...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Which 2?

EMIG said...

congrats ABB...on both fronts

Albinoblackbear said...
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Albinoblackbear said...

Fighterdoc...drop me a line and I'll tell you...I'd prefer not to have it all hang out online since I'll likely continue this blog once I am into said school. :)

I like to keep kidding myself that there is a tiny bit of anonymity to this blog...hmmm....guess I'll be taking my photo down soon! hahahah

EMIG--thanks! I am pretty excited. Life, as they say, is good.

Dragonfly said...

Congratulations! My acceptance to med school was such an anticlimax (the fact that both my parents had read it before I had didn't help). Am still excited about doing medicine though (the occasional bout of burnout will pass), and yay less than 12 more months.
So excited for you though....enjoy your trip though without too much worrying about where you decide to go.

Albinoblackbear said...

Dragonfly--well that is good to know that I am not the only weirdo that found it anti-climactic. Thanks for the congrats!